Jeg tror kanskje folk vil foretrekke et par poster med engelsk innhold, enn mange poster med "google-språk". Jeg har skaffet meg mesteparten av den treningen jeg trenger i løpet av det siste halve året, så engelsk fungerer helt OK for meg.
Jeg har følelsen av at han kan tilby litt mer info enn Truls Lurås, og jeg tror de fleste lesere aksepterer engelsk hvis informasjonen er av interesse.
@greg Peter (in English)
I have asked Tonny (the moderator and owner) to allow for a few posts in English. I believe this will be easier for both of us, and for most other readers too.
Most of your comment relates to my "general answer" in the beginning of this thread, but current answers are way beyond the topics delivered there. It feels pretty meaningless to discuss "general definitions" for pyramids and similar matters at this stage. The "general answer" was from June/July 2011, so it's pretty old an outdated.
In the more current answers I have focused on the company itself and it's current condition, using information from different sources (Companies House, CompaniesInTheUK, 3 videos from Synkronice, etc.). This means that parts of these newest comments are from "official sources", while other parts are more like "communication between users" and are not very important.
The important parts should be something like this:
* This opportunity is pretty old (more than a year), and the user still tried to present it as "being in a starting phase in Norway".
* The opportunity seems pretty dead too, even if they claim to have lots of users. It looks like an opportunity that have collapsed and restarted at least one time.
* When I was trying to check "Synkronice" in Companies House, it showed a company in the stage "Proposal to strike off".
* Then they came up with the explanation "Synkronice is only a trade name, and it belongs to Phoenix Network"
* Trying to check "Phoenix Network" in Companies House showed a real and active company, so this part is OK.
* Trying to check further details about Phoenix showed lots of questionable matters, like virtual office, director that has resigned (but acted as a director 2 months later), and different similar topics.
By the way, this is not a MLM-forum. Most of us are NOT interested in MLM, and neither are most of the readers that visit this forum frequently. You won't attract any "customers" by being active in this thread, and most people that have tried to do so in other threads have mostly harmed their own interests. I'm a lot more experienced than most people in analysing business models, laws and similar matters.
We are interested in factual information, so please feel free to deliver any factual information you may have (in English, if Tonny allows it). I used the expression "factual" in the meaning of "You don't need to sell the information from any other viewpoint than neutral".
Some examples of factual information:
* They presented two different "product packages" in the videos (€575 and €1725). We don't know what these packages contains, we only know the price?
* I haven't analysed the different "roles" of Spinglo, Synkronice and Phoenix, more than a very superficial check. Usually I will try to improve my answers by using factual information from participants or the company itself, but this is limited to factual information. Their video presentation was pretty vague, and they focused only on the opportunity. From my viewpoint this kind of information is considered to be more like "junk" rather than "valuable".
* The "roles" in previous point are something like this:
- Phoenix Network owns the trade name Synkronice.
- The trade name Synkronice is used to sell/deliver something to participants in Spinglo?
- Spinglo is used as a "recruitment system" or something?
I haven't identified all those "something" I mentioned.
- We don't know if they sell products or opportunities, or "shares" or other "investments", or whatever they try to offer in Spinglo and Synkronice?
- We don't know if the main purpose is to build a downline in Spinglo, and earn something when people in the downline buys products or whatever they sell there?
Factual information about such matters should be welcomed by most readers.
Truls Luras has delivered the following information:
Spinglo is free to join, but you'll have to pay €575 or €1725 if you want to participate in the income opportunity (within Synkronice?). He also called Spinglo "a beneficiary club". The rest of his information was mostly "junk". Most of us are not very interested in quotes from Robert Kiyosaki, "positive attitude" and similar topics.
I'm prepared to post a couple of comments in English, if Tonny allows it. I can also translate some parts into English, if I believe they contain any important information (but most of the information here isn't very important).
The original poster in this thread has probably made her decision 6 months ago, so this thread should have been "dead and forgotten" a long time ago. This thread is neither a "review" nor an "article" about something. Originally it was one user asking "Do anyone know something about Spinglo?", plus a few general answers.