Kenneth Dreyer
Well-Known Member
Holder paa og lese til eksamen naa og kom over et lite research resultat som sjokkerte meg litt. Ifolge en psykolog fra University of Chicago oeker stoerrelsen paa pupillene med opp til 400% naar man blir opphisset/glad/overrasket. Dette var visst noe underbevistheten til oss mennesker kunne oppdage paa andre. Revlon leppestift oekte salgene med 45% ved aa oeke storrelsen paa pupillene til fotomodellene de brukte i reklamene sine.
The study of pupillometry was founded by Eckhard Hess, former head of the Dept of Psychology at the University of Chicago.
Pupils of heterosexual men and women dilate when shown pin-ups of opposite sex and constrict when viewing same sex pinups.
He also found that increased pupil size also increased with mental activity associated with problem solving, reaching max dilation when arriving at a solution.
Your pupils will dilate or contract given your attitude and mood change from positive to negative and vice versa.
When someone is excited their pupils can dilate up to 4x their original size.
Conversely, an angry, negative mood causes the pupils to contract to what are commonly known as ‘beady little eyes’ or ‘snake eyes’
Lighter eyes can look more attractive as it is easier to see the dilation taking place.
Revlon lipstick sales increased by 45% by enlarging the pupil size of photo models.