SEO specialist - looking for some fun in Norway

Hello !
My name is Lukas. I have small SEO company in Poland about 30 keywords in TOP 10 etc. last year i was in Norway and was delighted:rolleyes:. I decided to learn your language. i will start course in next 2 month. Ok now lets get to business.

Two weeks ago just made simply site and now im second in google for main keyword "skifte dekk" i know that KW isnt hard.

Now looking for some more.

I will do free SEO ( TOP 10) for one keyword from admin or old member of this forum.

Ah not for free just need review here ofcourse if will be in TOP 10 :D

Thanks i hope soon I will write in norsk.

Tonny Kluften

Velkommen hit.

Norway is a good country for SEO workers. Lots of common used keywords are very easy to get ranked well. Therefor SEO should be cheap in Norway, well, guess what, its not :eek:

I will send you a PM and will gladly give you a review if my keyword are doing well with no black hat!

Sist redigert:
Thanks for so many replays! :)

Thomas Pedersen > "where are you #2 for "skifte dekk"? In poland?"

I use

correct me if im wrong also in my site is in TOP 10.

Dag Frogner > We will be in touch

Tonny > Thanks for replay! Good to hear that in Norway is Job for me ofcourse if i do seo well. Ye I thought that seo is cheap in Nor. but isnt ? Good to hear it too :p So what are the prices? PM me your keyword ( not so hard need to see efects fast :) )

Im doing White Hat SEO, Black Hat, Blue Hat SEO what you need :)

Tonny > What is for you black hat and white hat?


But black hat jobs is at least jobs that will make google throw you out of the index or jobs that will make them stuck your site around the 50 search result.

Ekke noe problem å være topp i google ved å drive blackhat, om man gjør det riktig. Hvis så hadde vært at man ikke hadde klart det, så hadde ingen drevet black hat.
Da gjør han en jobb på et nøkkelord for meg. Det er et helt nytt nettsted uten innhold enda så blir det artig å se hva som skjer.

Så skriver jeg på norsk så får han noe å bryne seg på, ikke sant Greenposition? :)

I hope that I understand it good :)
Sorry but for some time i must write in english after my course in Kongsberg i will write in norks!

Ikke noe problem nei, men jeg er ikke interessert i det.
Det jeg mener med den setningen er at BH kan få deg kastet ut eller plassert rundt 50`ende plass.
Black hat is save guys ! if you are smart and dont exaggerate. Most what i do is blue hat :p

If you have any question about SEO Feel for to contact me via mail : or PM at forum