Folk er jaggu meg hårsåre!
Bloggen blir truet av advokatene til PRO U / CCPro for å ha presentert uriktige medlemstall i en av kommentarene (ikke i selve artikkelen). Det ble antydet at de hadde omtrent 600 medlemmer worldwide.
Pro U & Automatic Millionaire: The $39980 opportunity | BehindMLM
Antydning om ca. 600 medlemmer føles som "ærekrenkelse" eller "bakvaskelse".
Folk begynner visst å bli veldig nærtagende i dette konseptet.
Bloggen blir truet av advokatene til PRO U / CCPro for å ha presentert uriktige medlemstall i en av kommentarene (ikke i selve artikkelen). Det ble antydet at de hadde omtrent 600 medlemmer worldwide.
Pro U & Automatic Millionaire: The $39980 opportunity | BehindMLM
[ACTION REQUIRED] Regarding: Inaccurate and False Information Regarding PRO U and Automatic Millionaire International
Dear Author
The information you are providing on your blog is inaccurate in many respects, particularly concerning ongoing membership information for our company and its products.
While we appreciate your interest in our company and its products, as you can understand, we cannot as a company allow inaccurate information to be provided to the public.
We stand by the quality of our offerings, and therefore welcome all opinions with respect to them, positive or negative. However, the false ‘membership data’ is not an opinion – it is presented as a series of statements of fact, and is simply wrong in every respect.
Inaccurate statements of fact also are not protected under free speech laws, and rise to the level of libel and/or slander, depending on how presented. All statistics referring to membership information of PRO must be removed from your site immediately, or we will escalate to legal action.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Corporate Compliance
Antydning om ca. 600 medlemmer føles som "ærekrenkelse" eller "bakvaskelse".
Folk begynner visst å bli veldig nærtagende i dette konseptet.