Sjekka kontoen i dag og det viste seg at noen kalt "smartnutrition" hadde tappa nesten 5000kr fra kontoen min. Smartnutrition er en kostilskuddsbutikk som selger såkalte nootropics (kostilskudd for økt konsentrasjon). For at han skulle få sendt til Norge måtte jeg gi fra meg kortnummer og CVC kode. (dummeste tingen jeg noensinne har gjort).
Har fått sperra kortet nå og kontakta selgeren.
What's happening to my bank account? Last time I checked someone called "SmartNutrition" withdrew over $600 from my account.
-We refunded $19.95 to your credit card for the returned centrophenoxine.
If someone withdrew $600, notify your bank that someone commited fraud.
-I know and the bank is notified and so will the police. We think that you did it. Because it says that someone called smartnutrition tookk out the money + you're the ONLY person that I've given bank card information too. Please explain this. If my money is now back by Saturday you will be contacted by the police for this fraud.
-So why does it still say that smartnutrition did it then? I normally NEVER give out my credit card information like that.
-I don't know. Ask your bank for the merchant account number of whoever made the charge. That will identify who charged it. Your bank should be able to handle it without a problem.
Har fått sperra kortet nå og kontakta selgeren.
What's happening to my bank account? Last time I checked someone called "SmartNutrition" withdrew over $600 from my account.
-We refunded $19.95 to your credit card for the returned centrophenoxine.
If someone withdrew $600, notify your bank that someone commited fraud.
-I know and the bank is notified and so will the police. We think that you did it. Because it says that someone called smartnutrition tookk out the money + you're the ONLY person that I've given bank card information too. Please explain this. If my money is now back by Saturday you will be contacted by the police for this fraud.
-So why does it still say that smartnutrition did it then? I normally NEVER give out my credit card information like that.
-I don't know. Ask your bank for the merchant account number of whoever made the charge. That will identify who charged it. Your bank should be able to handle it without a problem.
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