Missing persons - please advice


New Member
Missing person - please advice

I have no idea where to post this message so i'm posting it here.

My Norwegian dad has gone missing (8 months now). I am a Norwegian national although do not speak any Norwegian. I live abroad and have had not a very close relationship with him (his decision) but we have never argued etc. You might say we are on friendly terms. I used to call my dad 2-3/month and he was planning to come and see me and my sister + his grand children.

Then last autumm his phone was turned off and later his number was taken out of use. I have contacted his other relatives in norway but they have no idea where my dad could be.
My personal belief is that he is probably running away from his debtors or that he has found a new woman friend and does not want us to know about it because he uses my mom as a last "resource" when his money runs out.

BUT. His health is quite poor and some possible warning signs of a stroke have been around for quite a while. My dad loves talking long walks in the mountains and can even wander for days in the woods. My biggest concern is that he has died somewhere in the woods. I understand the possibility is very small but if it was your dad, wouldn't you like to be sure? I'd just like to know he is alive. My dad has never been out of contact for this long and i cannot understand why he would not like to have anything to do with us. Plus he has had a new grand child he was very eager to see.

I contacted by e-mail the police of the Norwegian city where my dad's official address is (he is registered with a relative). I had no reply for 3 days. I sent another message asking for a delivery confirmation. I received no answer. After 2 days I called. They could not tell if they had gotten the message or not. They said they'd call and they did. They had received my e-mails. Someone was investigating the matter (who - i was not told and not put through to him/her). They had talked to my relative and he did not know where my dad was (which confirmed what i already knew). They told me the police cannot do more for me and that i should contact the police of another Norwegian city because maybe my dad was living there (based on the assumption that he had sometimes talked about looking for a job in that particular city).

I asked would the police of that other city redirect me back to them because my dad's official address in their city and i have no proof whatsoever that my dad was living in that particular city. The police officer said nothing. Then he told me to check with Norwegian tax authority do they have any more information about where my dad was working (i found that a bit odd since the tax authority in this country will NOT give out detailed information about some ones income/employee to anyone except authorities). Then he told me again there is nothing else we can do.

I still asked him to check if my dad has an active secret telephone number (at least in my country you can have that) or if they could check if there was anything happening in his bank account. That way me and my sister could at least know he was alive.
At this point the police man I was talking to was starting to get slightly irritated. He was not unfriendly etc but I got the impression he wanted to get out of that conversation as fast as possible almost as if it had nothing to do with him.

He then checked telephone numbers but said there where too many Norwegians by that name to draw any conclusions. I asked was it possible to do a search by my dad’s date of birth and personal number. He told me it was impossible. I specifically asked don’t the Norwegian mobile operators have their clients dates of birth. He said no, operators do not have that information.
I asked is it really so that I cannot do more. He said that maybe a missing persons report should be filed (my e-mail was about how to do that asking for help). I asked what information they needed and the police man said it would be better if my relatives in Norway would do it, not me. (I understand it is more convenient for the police but I feel terrible already about calling my relatives and asking if they have heard from dad etc… I’m sure my relatives would be glad to help but he is after all MY dad). Then he told me once again that sorry there is nothing more we can do and that he’d call if anything came up.
I have to admit I was a bit disappointed and did expect at least an answer to my e-mail. At least something.

So if anyone of you can give me any advice please tell me what to do next. Is it really so that when you guys make a contract with a telephone operator, they do not ask for your personal information? Is it normal for the Norwegian police not to answer written requests for help (just to make a delivery confirmation if not a direct answer) and say they cannot search a person because there are too many people in Norway by that name?

I understand the police may have more important things to deal with and I even wrote in my e-mail that I am not expecting them to prioritize this case but certainly I did expect a different attitude.
Sist redigert:

Kenneth Dreyer

Well-Known Member
Hi Marianna,

I'm sorry to hear about your case.

Norwegian phone operators most certainly have records of their clients date of birth. All Norwegian are assigned a unique social ID number when born and the first 6 digits of this social ID is their birth date (e.g: I'm born on 7th April 1986, so the first digits of my social ID is 070486).

I'm assuming the reason the police didn't provide more help is because they only have your side of the story. For all they know your dad don't want you to find him. For that reason the police is required to remain neutral until it's considered being a actual police matter.

Did you fill out a missing person report yet? I would do that asap.

Next I would try contacting your country's embassy in Norway (I'm assuming your either UK or US, considering your English skills). They should be able to help you out or at the very least tell you what to do next.

Also, if your afraid that your dad might have been lost during one of his hikes, I would recommend calling the Norwegian Tourist Union (The Norwegian Trekking Association). If that were to be the case, he would most likely be found by now and they are most likely to know about it.

Good luck with your search!

- Kenneth


New Member
Thank you for your comments and symphathy! My dad is not an alcoholic/homeless person living on the street/drug addict so it seems a bit curious he disappeared like this.

You are quite right Kenneth, i too do believe my dad has "gone underground" because he prefers not to have any dealings with anyone of his family (4 siblings and his only 2 kids, me and my sister, his parents have passed away) have no idea where he is. But I cannot be SURE and i am not the only one starting to get worried.
His Norwegian family has also contacted his club where he has been a very active member + his closiest friends since his childhood. Their last contact when asked was about the same day as the rest of us spoke to him on the phone which a bit odd jus to be a coinsidence.

So just to be on the safe side i hoped the police would check if he was showing any signs of life. I did not ask for his telephone number or anything like that, the only information i would like to have is that he is alive. I don't need to know where he lives or with whom or anything more. I believe that even by law the closest family members are entitled to at least to know if he is alive.
Had something happened - i could never forgive myself for not checking. Mind you, little good it would do him now, since would have been dead for a while now. But the mere possibility alone he is rotting away in some god forbidden forest turns my stomach around.
I have not filed the missing persons report yet - as i wrote the police told me not to do it and said it to be better if my Norwegian relatives did that....


New Member
Hello, i will not give my familys telephone number to anyone on the web on a site anyone can read and start bugging them. Please send me your e-mail address and i can give you my personal + further information.


New Member
and i am not asking for any money from anyone. basically i got the answer i was looking for - the police was not telling me the truth. most likely i will turn to my ambassad of my country or to the local police who can ask for international assistance from the local police.


Or you can give us the name of your father, and his age. Maybe someone here know him


New Member
Kenneth, your advice to contact the Trakking association was great. Thank you. I called them, first Oslo and then the local association. They have not heard about a body being found in that region. I should have of course asked about that from the police man yesterday... But now i'd say 97% certainty my dad is ok. And that's good enough for me :)


New Member
yes, i could give his name but at this point my sister and i + norwegian family think that most likely he is running away from his debts which are according to my understanding considerable. that's why we have not made a media circus out of it, probably making the whole thing harder on him. i don't want to force him "out". and this is not the first time my dad has disappeared (but not for this long).
however, after the trakking association contact i am confident this has been his choice and i want to respect it however painful that may be.
i just hope my children will not have to do anything like this in their lives because of what i do or don't do. this has been the most humiliating experince of my life.

Kenneth Dreyer

Well-Known Member
I'm glad my advice was helpful.

One last tips would be to call the Norwegian Red Cross. If neither them or the Trakking association can report any dead bodies that match the description of your father for the last 6 months, it is HIGHLY unlikely that he is lost in the forest or anywhere else out in the wild. If so he would have to really go out of his way to hide himself.


New Member
i think you are right, Kenneth. My dad has "gone out his way" to hide himself but what is important that he has done so by choice and not because he had a stroke. i don't know how sensible posting this message was in the first place but it is terrible when you lose contact with some one you care for fearing he is not ok but undestanding at the same time that it is probably how he wants to live his life...


Jeg selger sʇɥƃıluʍop :)
Jeg syntest no atte det kan ha litt sånn under holdningsverdi når stak-kar en blir lokalisert på et lok alsykehus (når og ikke om).
Plus at WF ranker jo bra og dette blir et fint eksempel da jeg tipper at marianna sikkert også prøver andre kilder for å få hjelp til å finne faren sin. Det ideelle ville vel vært en epost med en beta lingsknapp.
Mellom rommene er for å lure G trans late, det blir ikke pent.