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Litt pussig bruk av adwords


Well-Known Member
Men vil det virkelig generere donasjoner fra ukjente mennesker?

Vel, slike minnesider på nett er jo millionindustri i statene, så det forundrer meg ikke.
Med det kontroversielle synet vi nordboere har på dette, vil det nok neppe generere inntekter herfra, men ... 'you never know in america' :D

Kenneth Dreyer

Well-Known Member
Om du klarer å komme opp med en ganske rørende historie vet du jo aldri.. Men man skal være litt forsiktig med det her i landet, for plutselig blir det en mediesak at du masseproduserer minnesider og da vil du bli en veldig forhatet person!

David Pedersen

New Member
My motivations for purchasing AdWords for my brothers passing.

I wanted to give people an easy way to find his website where I had posted photos of him and include a guestbook. It was a sudden death so there was no time to wait for Google to pick it up.

Being that he had relatives in both Norway and Sweden as his father is Nowegian and his mother is Swedish. He was born in Sweden as was my older brother they moved to the US in the 70's I was born over here in the US. I was able to use Geo Targeting, Norway, Sweden, and Washington state and California where an uncle lives. So it was relatively inexpensive.

In any case it was a way to get the news out. This let me catch common misspellings of Pedersen. Also the site was just posted to the internet that AdWords was the Only way to get it out easy to find for people on short notice.

As for the donations to the church. He was working on a weekly basis with the youth group at his church. He had a big heart. It's a memoriam.

Tonny Kluften

Hi David.
My condolations to you and your family.

Thanks for the explanation. I understand your way of thinking and it was my first thought when I discovered the adwords that this was the intention of the ad. The site does not look like a site that is made for making money, it looks honest.
However, it is so unusual to use adwords in this way so I tried to figure out other possibilities.