Tonny Kluften
Se litt tilbake i tid, du har sikkert noen gamle eposter som viser hvor dum og naiv du var "før i tiden".
Mitt bidrag er en epost jeg sendte til Google i 2005 rett etter at jeg fikk adsensekontoen min:
"Can you please set all my earnings to zero as I have clicked them myself, it was interesting links that I wanted to follow, but now I understand that even if they are interesting to me I can not click them myself anyway."
Mitt bidrag er en epost jeg sendte til Google i 2005 rett etter at jeg fikk adsensekontoen min:
"Can you please set all my earnings to zero as I have clicked them myself, it was interesting links that I wanted to follow, but now I understand that even if they are interesting to me I can not click them myself anyway."