DealExtreme affiliate

Er det noen her som har erfaring med det å være affiliate hos
Kan nok sende en god del trafikk til dette nettstedet via mine domener?
Men er det lønnsomt?
Dette sies det på websiden deres.

Referral DX points are the same as regular DX points earned by purchases, but are collected differently. When you make purchases for yourself, DX points are assigned at a rate of 1 point for every $10 spent (including all shipping charges). Referral points work similarly, but do not round off at every $10. When your referred customer completes an order, both of you will receive DX points. The customer receives DX points based on the normal rate, and you, the referrer, gets the amount of DX points equivalent to the order total times your affiliation level's 'DX Point' rate.

For example: Mary, who you referred, spent a total of $32.69 on merchandises and shipping fees and you are on our Standard affiliation program level (thus 10% DX rate). Mary gets 3 DX points and you as the referrer get 3.27 DX points. Notice how you also get the decimal points for each referral's purchases. Without these extra points, small orders would be meaningless to you as the referrer.

Note that refunds sent to referred orders will also cause corresponding points to be deducted.

Kommer an på hvor mye de betaler. Vet du det?


De betaler jo helt latterlig lavt. Dessuten er det så billig der, så kan umulig bli store summer,

Fra affiliatedelen på nettsiden deres:
"$0.375 per $50 in referrals (0.75% commission)"

0.75% er ikke stort å skryte av.