Why Facebook needs to build a browser | The Social Analyst - CNET News
"Sometime in the next 12 months, Google Chrome will become the world's most popular browser, knocking Microsoft's Internet Explorer off the mountain it has ruled for more than a decade.
This fact should scare the pants off of Facebook. (...)
Now you may be asking yourselves: why should Facebook care about the fate of the browser market? Facebook's a social network, not a desktop software company -- why do the browser wars matter?
The answer lies in Google's ambitious plans for Google+, the company's "social spine." It's no secret that Facebook and Google are at war, and that Google would love to take the wind out of Facebook's sails. Nothing less than control of the Web (and billions in ad dollars) is at stake. (...)
Google wants to become Voltron -- each separate piece (Gmail, Chrome, Android, Google Search, and so on) is strong on its own, but combined it's unstoppable. That's why Google launched Search + Your World, and that's why Google+ integration in Chrome is inevitable."
Det ser ut som facebook er igang mht. Rockmelt: Facebook Is Taking A Special Interest In RockMelt's Social Browser | TechCrunch
Samtidig har Facebook nettopp kjøpt instagram for 1 milliard dollar, og det er bare er et spørsmål om tid før de kaster seg inn i søk.
Trenden er klar: Facebook og Google ønsker begge å utvikle komplette sosiale informasjonssystemer finansiert av skreddersydd reklame, og så avhengighetsdannende at man aldri vil komme seg ut av dem.
Google vs. Facebook: The battle is ON!
"Sometime in the next 12 months, Google Chrome will become the world's most popular browser, knocking Microsoft's Internet Explorer off the mountain it has ruled for more than a decade.
This fact should scare the pants off of Facebook. (...)
Now you may be asking yourselves: why should Facebook care about the fate of the browser market? Facebook's a social network, not a desktop software company -- why do the browser wars matter?
The answer lies in Google's ambitious plans for Google+, the company's "social spine." It's no secret that Facebook and Google are at war, and that Google would love to take the wind out of Facebook's sails. Nothing less than control of the Web (and billions in ad dollars) is at stake. (...)
Google wants to become Voltron -- each separate piece (Gmail, Chrome, Android, Google Search, and so on) is strong on its own, but combined it's unstoppable. That's why Google launched Search + Your World, and that's why Google+ integration in Chrome is inevitable."
Det ser ut som facebook er igang mht. Rockmelt: Facebook Is Taking A Special Interest In RockMelt's Social Browser | TechCrunch
Samtidig har Facebook nettopp kjøpt instagram for 1 milliard dollar, og det er bare er et spørsmål om tid før de kaster seg inn i søk.
Trenden er klar: Facebook og Google ønsker begge å utvikle komplette sosiale informasjonssystemer finansiert av skreddersydd reklame, og så avhengighetsdannende at man aldri vil komme seg ut av dem.
Google vs. Facebook: The battle is ON!
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