IE kompabilitetsvisning


Med lem
Kan være det at nettsiden har aktivert denne modusen i nettleseren selv.
Derfor litt misvisende at valget ikke kommer opp.


Nå er jeg ingen ekspert på IE, men etter det jeg vet så har IE standards-mode og quirks-mode (kompatibilitetsmodus). Quirks gjør at IE faller tilbake på forrige versjon (IE6 quirks = IE5.5 osv).

Om du er i standard mode, får du valget om å skifte til quirks. Er du allerede i quirksmode, vil du (selvsagt) ikke få valget om å gå hit.

Edit: Du kan lese litt mer på Quirks mode, evt. google "Quirks mode" eller "IE doctype sniffing"!

Edit2: To utdrag fra What happens in Quirks Mode in web browsers?
For IE, type javascript:alert(document.compatMode) in the address bar, and check whether the popup window then says CSS1Compat (indicating Standards Mode) or BackCompat (indicating Quirks Mode)

IE 8 has a “compatibility mode” icon in its address bar in many situations. The icon appears on the right of the address (URL) of the page being visited and it looks like a torn-down sheet of paper.

The meaning and use of this icon, as well as the compatibility mode selection in the Page menu of IE 8, is obscure. According to tooltip and help texts, clicking on the icon toggles between compatibility mode and normal mode. However, contrary to what we might expect, this not at all the same as switching between Quirks Mode and Standards Mode. Some features of rendering may be affected, but crucial issues such as box model are unaffected; they are based on the doctype declaration. When it causes Standards Mode, the “compatibility mode” means that IE 8 emulates IE 7 in some issues. In Quirks Mode, “compatibility mode” means emulating IE 5, more or less, See Microsoft’s complicated explanation of this feature (og Defining Document Compatibility.
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