Kjapp og trygg hosting for Wordpress


  1. P

    Webdesignbyrå - Design

    Thankyou! I have made over 250 of them :) Have a nice week and merry christmas!
  2. P

    Nystartet nettbutikk, trenger tips

    Your more than welcome mate :) Glad I could help you! Have a nice night!
  3. P

    GUTTS.no- Blogg for menn

    Thankyou Tom :)
  4. P

    Feedback ønskes!

    Hei Hansen, Yes I understand you, However, sometimes I only go more into it if it feels right for me (sometimes i make 40 videos a day) Thankyou for your comment,
  5. P

    Litt selvskryt må være lov! Matstreif x 2

    Damn, Well please disregard my video, I am sorry, my norwegian isnt as good as my danish :) Best of luck!
  6. P

    Webdesignbyrå - Design

    Hello, Here is the video feedback I made you: website review of: Genc Media - YouTube
  7. P

    Feedback ønskes!

    Hello, Here is the video feedback I made you: website review of: Goodae - YouTube
  8. P

    feedback mottas med takk

    Hello, Here is the video feedback I made you: website review of: Transporthistorisk Galleri - YouTube
  9. P

    Litt selvskryt må være lov! Matstreif x 2

    Hello, Here is the video feedback I made you: website review of: Matstreifs utstillerkart - YouTube
  10. P

    Penbil.no - bilpleiebutikk

    Hello, Here is the video feedback I made you: website review of: PenBil.no - YouTube
  11. P

    Nystartet nettbutikk, trenger tips

    Hello, Here is the video feedback I made you: website review of: Kjøp billige USB gadgets & dingser her! - YouTube
  12. P

    GUTTS.no- Blogg for menn

    Hello, Here is the video feedback I made you: website review of: GUTTS - YouTube
  13. P

    FREE WP assistance - 2 hours free wordpress assistance

    (I am writing in English because I am australian but live in sweden,) I speak and read/write danish, so I also understand Norwegian. I am offering 2 hours wordpress assistance for free Want 2 hours wordpress work done on your site for FREE? Why free? We need reference's that we can...
  14. P

    Free Website Feedback (Australian, in Malmö)

    Thankyou kindly Tonny :)
  15. P

    Free Website Feedback (Australian, in Malmö)

    Hello everybody, my name is Phillip Dyhr Hobbs, and I presently live in Malmö Sweden however my family and I are moving further north to Umeå I have had a look through your forum and I think it's really cool decided I would come in and see if i could help you guys out and maybe learn...
  16. P

    Ny her - hvordan går fram mest effektivt med en weside?

    Did you get Wordpress installed? If not we can help for free
  17. P

    Trenger hjelp med reklame til Wordpress.org blogg

    If you havent found anybody to help, I would like to give you 2 hours help with wordpress for free
  18. P

    Free video kritik of your website

    I would like to give you video feedback of your website for free Here is an example: Jeg har brug for din mening ti...- Side 2 - Iværksætter Debatten Amino Gåde råd til optimer...- Side 2 - Iværksætter Debatten Amino Interested? Make a post asking for critic and send me the link ;)
  19. P

    Engelskspråkelige artikkelforfattere

    I would like to help you out :) I usually charge a lot more but lets see how it goes hey? What would you like written? You can see how i write on my blog.